How to Apply Armor Poxy Trak: A Step-by-Step Guide

Armor Poxy Trak is a high-performance, anti-slip epoxy coating designed for use in commercial, industrial, and residential settings. Known for its durability, chemical resistance, and ability to withstand heavy foot and vehicle traffic, Armor Poxy Trak is an excellent choice for surfaces that require a tough, long-lasting finish. Whether you're looking to improve the safety of your workspace, enhance the durability of your flooring, or add a protective layer to a high-traffic area, applying Armor Poxy Trak is a practical solution. This guide will take you through the steps to apply Armor Poxy Trak effectively, ensuring a professional and durable finish.

1. Understanding Armor Poxy Trak

Before diving into the application process, it’s important to understand what Armor Poxy Trak is and where it can be used. Armor Poxy Trak is a textured, two-part epoxy coating designed to provide a slip-resistant surface. It’s commonly used in warehouses, garages, loading docks, walkways, stairways, and other areas where safety and durability are critical. The coating is resistant to chemicals, abrasion, and heavy traffic, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Armor Poxy Trak is available in various colors and textures, allowing you to customize the look and feel of the surface. The texture of the coating can range from fine to coarse, depending on the level of slip resistance required. The coating is applied in layers, with each layer contributing to the overall thickness and durability of the finish.

2. Preparation: The Key to a Successful Application

Proper surface preparation is crucial for the successful application of Armor Poxy Trak. The surface must be clean, dry, and free from any contaminants that could interfere with the adhesion of the epoxy coating. Here’s how to prepare your surface:

  • Cleaning: Start by thoroughly cleaning the surface to remove any dirt, grease, oil, or other contaminants. Use a degreaser or a suitable cleaning agent, and scrub the surface with a stiff brush or a pressure washer. Make sure to rinse the surface well and allow it to dry completely before proceeding.

  • Repairing: Inspect the surface for any cracks, holes, or other imperfections. Repair any damage using an appropriate filler or patching compound. Allow the repairs to cure fully before moving on to the next step.

  • Etching (for concrete surfaces): If you’re applying Armor Poxy Trak to a concrete surface, it’s essential to etch the concrete to create a rough texture that promotes adhesion. Use a concrete etching solution, following the manufacturer’s instructions. After etching, rinse the surface thoroughly and allow it to dry completely.

  • Sanding (for smooth surfaces): For smooth surfaces such as metal or previously coated floors, sanding is necessary to create a rough texture that the epoxy can bond to. Use a medium-grit sandpaper or a mechanical sander to roughen the surface, then vacuum up any dust and wipe the surface with a tack cloth.

  • Priming: Depending on the surface material and condition, a primer may be required before applying Armor Poxy Trak. Consult the product’s technical data sheet to determine if priming is necessary and which type of primer to use. Apply the primer according to the manufacturer’s instructions and allow it to cure fully.

3. Mixing Armor Poxy Trak

Armor Poxy Trak is a two-part epoxy system, consisting of a resin and a hardener. Proper mixing is essential to ensure that the epoxy cures correctly and provides a durable finish. Here’s how to mix the components:

  • Read the Instructions: Before mixing, carefully read the product’s instructions and technical data sheet. These documents provide important information about the mixing ratios, working time, and application conditions.

  • Measure the Components: Armor Poxy Trak components must be mixed in the correct ratio, typically by volume. Use a clean, graduated mixing container to measure the resin and hardener. The mixing ratio is usually specified on the product label or technical data sheet.

  • Mix Thoroughly: Pour the measured components into a clean mixing container and stir thoroughly using a drill with a mixing paddle attachment. Mix for at least 2-3 minutes, ensuring that the resin and hardener are fully combined. Scrape the sides and bottom of the container to ensure that no unmixed material remains.

  • Add Texture (if needed): If you’re using a textured version of Armor Poxy Trak, you may need to add the texture aggregate during the mixing process. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for adding the aggregate, and mix until the texture is evenly distributed.

4. Application of Armor Poxy Trak

Once the surface is prepared and the epoxy is mixed, it’s time to apply Armor Poxy Trak. The application process involves spreading the epoxy evenly over the surface and ensuring that it cures properly. Follow these steps for a successful application:

  • Start with the Edges: Use a brush or small roller to apply the epoxy along the edges of the surface, where a larger roller may not reach. This is known as "cutting in" and helps ensure that the entire surface is coated evenly.

  • Apply the First Coat: Using a high-quality roller, apply the first coat of Armor Poxy Trak to the main surface. Work in sections, rolling the epoxy in a consistent direction to avoid roller marks. Maintain a wet edge to prevent lap lines and ensure a uniform finish. The first coat should be thin and even.

  • Allow to Cure: Allow the first coat to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Curing time can vary depending on temperature, humidity, and the specific product used. Ensure that the surface is protected from dust, debris, and traffic during the curing process.

  • Apply the Second Coat (if needed): Depending on the desired thickness and finish, a second coat may be necessary. Apply the second coat using the same technique as the first, ensuring that the first coat is fully cured before applying the second.

  • Apply Texture (if applicable): If you’re adding texture to the surface, apply it while the epoxy is still wet. Broadcast the texture aggregate evenly across the surface, then use a roller to press the texture into the epoxy. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific texture application method.

  • Final Curing: After the final coat is applied, allow the epoxy to cure completely. This may take 24-48 hours, depending on the product and environmental conditions. Avoid walking on or placing objects on the surface until the epoxy is fully cured.

5. Post-Application Care and Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance will extend the life of your Armor Poxy Trak coating and keep it looking its best. Here’s how to care for your newly coated surface:

  • Regular Cleaning: Keep the surface clean by sweeping or vacuuming regularly to remove dirt and debris. For more thorough cleaning, use a mild detergent and water, avoiding harsh chemicals that could damage the epoxy.

  • Avoid Sharp Objects: Be cautious with sharp objects or heavy equipment that could scratch or gouge the surface. Use protective mats or pads under heavy machinery or furniture to prevent damage.

  • Inspect for Damage: Periodically inspect the surface for any signs of wear or damage. Promptly repair any chips, cracks, or areas of wear to prevent further deterioration.

  • Recoat as Needed: Over time, high-traffic areas may show signs of wear. If the surface begins to lose its texture or slip resistance, consider applying a fresh coat of Armor Poxy Trak to restore its performance.


Applying Armor Poxy Trak is a straightforward process that requires careful preparation, precise mixing, and proper application techniques. By following these steps, you can achieve a durable, slip-resistant surface that enhances the safety and longevity of your commercial or residential space. With the right care and maintenance, your Armor Poxy Trak coating will continue to perform at its best for years to come.


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